Chrome for mac plugins
Chrome for mac plugins

  1. Chrome for mac plugins pdf#
  2. Chrome for mac plugins install#
  3. Chrome for mac plugins portable#
  4. Chrome for mac plugins android#
  5. Chrome for mac plugins software#

Mac users can access Pocket content through a desktop app and iOS users can access pocket offline on iPad or iPhone.

Chrome for mac plugins install#

Simply install the extension and when you come across an article you want to read later, put it in your pocket. Pocket is an amazing bookmarking tool that surpasses any I have used before. How many articles make their way through your inbox, only to be stashed away or eventually deleted? If you are like me, it is more than a few. Because mobile sites are typically built iwth a simplified interface, the developers originally intended the extension to serve as a “quick info” portal anyone too busy to browse a cluttered site and get sucked down the rabbit hole of web browsing. If you aren’t interested in this app for client presentations, it is still handy as a tool to quickly get you to the information you need on a website. It lets me easily discuss a mobile site with clients either in development or during initial engagments without everyone having to pull out their phones. I love using this tool when I’m on a screen sharing meeting with a web design client. Have you ever wondered what your website looks like on a mobile phone, without having to actually go on your phone and pull your site up in a browser? Glimpse is the extension for you! Glimpse will allow you to type in the address of any website and see what it looks like on a mobile device right from within your computer’s browser. It has never been faster to identify whether a website is built on WordPress, HubSpot, Joomla, Drupal or just good old HTML! It has the ability to detect more than 100 popular CMS and javascript libraries. Web designers, take note! This extension has saved me countless hours answering the question, “can you tell me what platform this website is on?” The Chrome sniffer will appear at the end of your address bar and will show you the logo of the CMS (content management system) the website is built on. If you download only one extension from this list, this should be the one! 2. The user even has the ability to temporarily save the image on a shared server, or save it for future use. Use their tools to point directly to a page element, blur sensative information or create captions.

chrome for mac plugins

Rather than type out the directions for the fourth time, we use a visual aid! Awesome Screenshot: Capture & Annotation allows you to capture all or part of a page (even those parts you have to scroll down to see), and then edit it.

chrome for mac plugins

In our case, it might be a client who just can’t seem to grasp the steps to log in to their HubSpot blog. So how can these extensions help you with marketing? Easy! With the following plugins, you can either tailor your browsing experience to provide you with the most relevant infomation on a page or provide your clients with quick access to crucial information. For example, a web designer can tailor their browser with tools that help to extract on-page images, identify CMS’s and even check to see what theme a website is utilizing.

chrome for mac plugins

Chrome for mac plugins software#

Chrome extensions are small software programs that can modify and enchance the functionality of your web browser.

Chrome for mac plugins pdf#

What makes Chrome really special outside of it’s minimalistic inerface, speed, security, built-in Flash player, PDF reader and syncing system, is it’s vast library of extensions (like apps for your cell phone). Plus, it syncs between devices, so when I set my Chrome preferences on my iMac at work, they populate on my MacBook, iPad and iPhone. I personally prefer Chrome because it allows me to customize my browser to my needs, saving me countless hours here at work and making the internet more fun at home. Shouldn’t it be customized to fit your needs? Absolutely! It is where you catch up with your friends, conduct business, bank, search and read the news. Your browser is where you spend your time on the internet.

Chrome for mac plugins portable#

Why? Because it is, as they say, “ built for the modern web.”Īll taglines aside, Chrome is fast, simple, secure, portable and customizable. Here at the Quintain offices, we use Google Chrome exclusively for web browsing.

chrome for mac plugins

Chrome for mac plugins android#

Just as many people are either Apple or Android users, most typically have strong feelings about Internet Explorer versus Google Chrome versus Safari. In my experience, peoples’ attitudes towards web browsers are a lot like their attitudes towards cell phones. Ask someone what web browser they use and you are likely to get a pretty passionate response.

Chrome for mac plugins